pecialty of great importance constituting its object of regulation, assets that in the socioeconomic reality and in the personal sphere of people have great importance, real estate in its most varied manifestations (housing, single-family housing, bungalow, office building, commercial premises, tourist apartment, etc).

You will find our Alicante real estate lawyers ready to advise you on real estate law, construction, building, housing and urban planning law.
Our team of real estate lawyers in Alicante has a wide experience in Real Estate Law and in purchases and sales in Costa Blanca, both out of court and in court.

In the facet of advice we have been standing out for years advising customers in the proceedings of buying and selling properties or of any type of property. We advise our customers from the beginning of the operation to its end, assisting them in their relationship with the Real Estate Agency, Developer or private seller, throughout the whole process of the purchase and sale, including the moment of recording the mandatory deed of purchase at the notary and until the registration of the property at the Property Registry.

Why hire Carlos Baño León Alicante real estate lawyer in Costa Blanca

Real estate law

Property lawyer in Alicante, Costa Blanca

In the facet of  property law and specially when buying and selling properties we draft and review all types of real estate contracts, whether private or public, we assist our clients in Notary when the documents have to be recorded as public.

In this branch of Law, there are important legal institutions/bodies such as property, possession, community or co-ownership, usufruct, lease, real rights, mortgage, etc., and all of this is a matter of knowledge and daily work of real estate lawyers Alicante lawyers, not only in the extrajudicial aspect but also in the judicial one.

In the judicial field of real estate law, our lawyers specialists in real estate and in property law purchases and sales in Alicante, Costa Blanca have a great deal of experience in assisting our clients in the Courts and Tribunals with claims that have to do with any of the aforementioned legal institutions in relation to housing, building, etc.

The experience of our Alicante real estate lawyers in property law sales in Costa Blanca, with buying and selling properties, real estate transactions and in legal claims of all kinds against developers and builders is remarkable, with very important results, both in property law and construction law.

real estate lawyer alicante

As regards real estate law, although it is rather typical of urban planning law, there are figures which, although studied by administrative law due to their relationship with property law and therefore with real estate law, are also dealt with in this office. In Alicante, Costa Blanca real estates we are a leading reference of real estate transactions.

Our Alicante property lawyers act before Local Corporations and other Public Bodies in everything related to housings and other buildings, reason why we are competent in matters of Permits, programs and urban planning; as well as in matters of expropriations.

In the field of Building Law, Alicante-Costa Blanca real estate lawyers of Carlos Baño León, assist our clients, who are home buyers, not only judicially when it comes to defend their rights at Courts and Tribunals, but also we previously during the building period or even trying to act as mediators in order to avoid a judicial conflict. Normally, when clients show to lawyers, Alicante lawyers of Costa Blanca their problem we immediately get in touch with the participating architects in order to know firsthand what happened and if that does not satisfy us, what we always do is to resort to an independent Technical Architect, to whom we will request the mandatory expert reports that will serve then to negotiate with the insurance companies or as fundamental expert evidence in case of attending the Courts. Within this scope of action, real estate law, it is very important the work of Alicante-Costa Blanca real estate lawyers along with insurance companies, having always the aim of reaching profitable agreements for the clients in the field of ten year liability for damages.

Although this list is not exclusive, we detail some of the most frequent legal actions in Courts and Tribunals of Carlos Baño León property lawyers in which our Alicante real estate lawyers have professional experience supported by results.

In the field of criminal law, our law firm of specialists in property law and construction law has been dealing with notable success in a wide range of criminal actions that have as their object the field of building, construction and housing law. Our lawyers in Alicante, Costa Blanca, experts on sales and real estate transactions and  will assist you and solve your doubts if you are facing a situation that affects your economic and assets interests as a result of actions within the scope of criminal law.

Ownership or property rights; Rights in rem; Possession and Protective Actions; Co-ownership or Joint tenancy; Housing Associations; Division of commonly-owned goods; Easements; Usufruct; Real estate purchase; Real estate contract fulfillment claims; Nullity of purchase and donation deeds; Demand of guarantees deposited in purchases; Touristic apartments; Timeshare; Forced expropriation; State of insolvency and purchases; New construction; Condominium; Real estate leasing; Capital Gains Tax; Claims derived from the urban leasing contract; Claims derived from the Horizontal Property Law; Claims derived from the Right of Mortgage; Claims for construction damages and hidden defects; Claims for damages due to defective constructions (Developer, Builder, Architect, Technical Architect and other experts); Claims derived from the implementation of construction contract; Claims to insurance companies for housing policies.

Consult our articles, news and reviews of judgments published below and on this specialty, real estate lawyers from Alicante, Costa Blanca of Carlos Baño León will advise you wherever you are.



Visit our Real Estate Law page for more information


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